[ubuntu-nl gemeenschapsraad] Fwd: Official Ubuntu Server Book 3rd Edition

Marten de Vries marten-de-vries op ubuntu.com
Do Aug 15 17:36:50 CEST 2013

Hallo mederaadsleden,

Twee dingetjes:

1) Vandaag kwam het onderstaande bericht door via de Loco Contacts 
mailing list. In het kort zouden we een kopie van 'The Official Ubuntu 
Server Book' kunnen krijgen als LoCo als we die zouden aanvragen. Zelf 
weet ik niet of we er veel aan zouden hebben (wie zouden er gebruik van 
maken?), maar ik hoor graag ook jullie mening.

2) Afgelopen vergadering hebben we afgesproken om tegen het eind van de 
maand een vergadering in the lassen i.v.m. het niet doorgaan van de 
laatste en de aankomende verkiezingen. Hebben jullie nog voorkeuren voor 
een bepaalde dag, of is gewoon ergens eind komende week of de week 
daarop allemaal goed? (Dat is het in mijn geval wel zoals het er nu 


-------- Origineel bericht --------
Onderwerp: 	Official Ubuntu Server Book 3rd Edition
Datum: 	Wed, 14 Aug 2013 16:18:48 -0400
Van: 	Jorge O. Castro <emailadres weg>
Antwoord-naar: 	Ubuntu local community team (LoCo) contacts <emailadres 
Aan: 	ubuntu-server <emailadres weg>, "Ubuntu local community team 
(LoCo) contacts" <lemailadres weg>

Greetings Ubuntu Server users and Local Team leaders.

Prentice Hall has just released the 3rd Ed. of "The Official Ubuntu
Server Book" authored by Kyle Rankin and Benjamin Mako Hill. As
background, the 2nd Ed. published in 2010 and the book has since been
updated to remain as the definitive, authoritative guide to getting up
and running quickly with the newest, most powerful versions of Ubuntu
Server. You can skim the complete Table of Contents and read a free
sample chapter, #3, "Package Management", here on the publisher site:

- [Table of Contents and Chapter

Prentice Hall will be pleased to ship approved LoCo teams each (1)
free copy of this new edition. This will be a great addition to each
team’s library of Ubuntu books! To keep this as simple as possible,
you can request your book by following these steps. The team contact
shown on our LoCo Team List (and only the team contact) should send an
email to usergroups op informit.com and include the following details:

- Your full name.
- Which team you are from
- If your team resides *within North America*, please provide:
   - Your complete street address (the book will ship by UPS)
- If your team resides *outside North America*, you will first be
emailed a voucher code to download the complete eBook bundle from the
publisher site, InformIT, which includes the ePub/mobi/pdf files.

If you wish to be considered for a print copy, please provide:

- Your complete street address, region, country AND IMPORTANT: Your
phone number, including country and area code. (Pearson will make its
best effort to arrange shipment through its nearest corporate office.)

A few notes:

- Only approved teams are eligible for a free copy of the book.
- Only the team contact for each team (shown on this page) can make
the request for the book.
- There is a limit of (1) copy of each book per approved team.
- Prentice Hall will cover postage, but not any import tax or other
shipping fees.
- When you have the books, it is up to you what you do with them. We
recommend you share them between members of the team. LoCo Leaders:
please don’t hog them for yourselves!

- The deadline for getting your requests in SEPTEMBER 15, 2013.

If you have any questions or concerns, please directly contact
Prentice Hall's Heather Fox at heather DOT fox @ pearson DOT com.
Also, for those teams who are not approved or yet to be approved, you
can still score a rather nice 35% discount on the books by registering
your LoCo with the [Pearson User Group

Jorge Castro
Canonical Ltd.
http://juju.ubuntu.com/charm-championship - Share your infrastructure,
win a prize!

loco-contacts mailing list
<emailadres weg>

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