[ubuntu-nl gemeenschapsraad] Fwd: Question about the use of the trademark name Ubuntu

Jan Stedehouder janstedehouder op gmail.com
Ma Aug 8 13:46:12 CEST 2011

Het is ook snel te omzeilen door de stichting een andere naam te geven en de
link met Ubuntu-nl in de statuten op te nemen. Anders duurt het jaren.


Jan Stedehouder
Stavenissestraat 18
3086 RG Rotterdam
(verzonden  via mijn mobiel)
Op 8 aug. 2011 13:35 schreef "Ronnie van de Crommenacker" <
ronnie.vd.c op ubuntu.com> het volgende:
> Hieronder de reactie van Canonical.
> Ik heb geen idee wanneer dit intern rond zou zijn, maar het lijkt me het
> best om hierop te wachten totdat we groen licht hebben.
> Hebben we nog informatie nodig van Jona Bacon?
> Ronnie
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Michelle Surtees-Myers <michelle op canonical.com>
> Date: Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 12:54 PM
> Subject: Re: Question about the use of the trademark name Ubuntu
> To: Ronnie van den Crommenacker <ronnie.vd.c op ubuntu.com>
> Cc: "jono.bacon op canonical.com" <jono.bacon op canonical.com>
> **
> Hi Ronnie,
> Thank you for contacting us.
> We want to support you in establishing your foundation, however, a special
> license is required for this, and we are currently working on this. We
> need to have some further discussions in this regard.
> If you need any more information, please contact our Community Manager,
> Bacon (cc'd here).
> Kind regards,
> Michelle
> On 17/07/11 22:43, Ronnie van den Crommenacker wrote:
> Dear Canonical,
> Ubuntu-NL has a question about the use of the trademark name 'Ubuntu' in
> name for the legal entity (a non profit foundation), we are establishing
> support our LoCo community in its endeavors.
> The name we would like to use for the foundation is: "Stichting
> Ondersteuning Ubuntu­-NL" freely translated to "Foundation to support
> Ubuntu-NL"
> The reasons why Ubuntu-NL needs an legal entity, a non profit foundation:
> - In the Netherlands it is impossible to open a bank account without a
> legal entity. No bank account makes endeavors that involve money like
> organizing events, create promotion material, get sponsorship to buy cd's
> etc. quite hard to organize.
> - Sponsorship of a non profit foundation is very interesting for
> companies who then receive part of the sponsorship back as a result of
> special tax regulations in the Netherlands.
> - People organizing events need liability insurance. Without means
> Ubuntu-NL cannot provide any help for volunteers getting insured.
> - The communities goods are managed by a group of people instead of one
> person.
> - Ubuntu-NL needs to be a legal entity to be able to make contracts with
> other parties. For example to be able as a community to arrange website
> hosting. Without a legal entity such contracts need to be on the name of a
> single person what gives problems if this person wants to get rid of the
> contract etc.
> We already have taken care of the
> insurance policy, financials and the foundation board. All the
> paperwork has been done. All we need is clearance about the name
> of the foundation.
> Since Canonical owns the Ubuntu trademark we need permission to use the
> Ubuntu in the name of the foundation: "Stichting Ondersteuning Ubuntu-NL"
> (translated: Foundation to support Ubuntu-NL). Can you give our community
> permission to use the term "Ubuntu" in this name of the foundation?
> Kind regards,
> Ronnie van den Crommenacker
> Loco-contact of Ubuntu-NL
> --
> Kind regards
> Michelle Surtees-Myers
> Canonical Group Ltd
> Ubuntu - Linux for human beings
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